Mercury in Capricorn Transit

How to navigate this archetypal shift

Carmen Sandiego, PhD
7 min readJul 29, 2021

We are far from the next Mercury in Capricorn transit, but I figured I’d dust this article off from the archives to help you comprehend the core energy of Mercury in this zodiac sign. Enjoy!

Capricorn energy is incredibly stoic — I guess that’s why Capricorns know how to get shit done. Of course, I may be biased because I’m a Capricorn, but whatever. Everyone needs a little kick in the ass sometimes, and Capricorn is the goat who gets that job done.

This is a period to contemplate goals, make plans, communicate with clarity, and organize your thoughts. If we tap into this energy, we can accomplish goals in a major way.

Health & Wellness

The organized and systematic approach of Capricorn is no joke. She combs through what doesn’t work to develop solutions. There’s no cutting corners nor an ability to “cheat.” That being said, when it comes to health and wellness, this energy ensures that you do what’s best for you.

Think of this energy as the coach who pushes you to your limits and refuses to let you up until you complete your goal. If you cheat, then you’re only cheating yourself. The coach ain’t having that! However annoying this may be, it’s all for the greater good. Push yourself to the limits and know that it will pay off in the end!

During this time, I suggest you trust yourself — be your own coach. Make a list of health goals and choose which one you want to focus on. Are you overweight? Do you have crippling back pain? It’s time to solve these issues once and for all (or at least begin to get on track). Note that pushing yourself means embracing the challenge that comes with healing — never do anything that will hurt or compromise your health. Always check in with a professional to guide you. Remember, balance is key.

Love & Romance

When Mercury moves into Capricorn, we approach our love life with a sense of practicality. We recognize the importance of communicating with precision and have a deep desire for clarity. This comes into play when we are working with both external and internal communication.

The key here is to be thorough, which means that we will need to comb through our thoughts, feelings, and desires to manifest our ideal love life. It’s time to communicate in a way that is receptive and considerate of varying perspectives.

How do you want your love life to look? What are your true intentions? How can you communicate sincerely? Explore these questions by investigating past patterns, deciding what didn’t work, and committing to the development of new patterns once you have an idea of what you desire; the Universe can take care of the rest.

After you explore what you don’t want in a relationship, it’s time to focus on what you do want. To do this, think about what a “happy” love life looks like to you. It could be a healthy committed relationship or something casual — whatever floats your boat.

After making this list compare it to your old patterns - what type of work will it take to make a change? Be sure to pay attention to where your desires come from. Are they linked to emotional baggage from the past? If you find that you’re looking for something like a “bad boy/girl” type, ask yourself what you really desire. Is it a sense of adventure, or do you feel like you don’t deserve to be treated well? This process will help you gain realistic and practical insight into your psyche.

If you’re in a relationship, then you can use this process to discover where there is room for growth. I suggest you and your partner work on this exercise separately and then compare answers. Then, communicate openly so you can ensure that both of your needs are met. After that, it’s time to get on the same page!

If you are single and open, this exercise can help you manifest the type of partnership you desire. Just remember, don’t cut corners. If you feel unclear about any of your answers, there is likely a deeply rooted reason to explore. Be your own therapist and probe until you find an answer that resonates with your soul.

Career & Money

Career and Money are Capricorn’s domain, baby! If you’re prepared to work, then Capricorn is prepared to assist you whole-heartedly — or in this case whole-mindfully (get it? Mercury rules the mind…ha). Anyway, Mercury in Capricorn can provide career support by helping you gain awareness of your long-term goals. If you desire more leadership, then now is the time to work towards greater responsibility in your job. If you are your own boss, then it’s time to up the ante.

If you’ve meant to establish a more defined public image, then it’s time to plan for your big debut! You might have large-scale ideas that you’ve been too intimated to pursue. If so, what’s holding you back from working towards them? If you don’t know, figure it out. If you do know, push through it!

Once you decide what you desire, it’s time to formulate a plan of action. This looks like developing the specific steps that need to be taken to move from point A to B. If you’re someone who likes to work backward, then decide what your long-term goal is and slowly work your way from Point Z to point A. Simple.

Whatever works for you will work for the Universe — you have to put in the work. Otherwise, your goals will likely fall short of expectations. The Universe helps you but will not do the work for you. So you have to open that door yourself.

Friends & Family

If you’ve been holding back honest opinions from your friends and family, then it’s time to check yourself before you wreck yo self! There’s nothing worse than keeping your true feelings inside. Seriously. I’ve done it, and it fucking sucks.

It would be best if you didn’t keep things inside. That’s why this period is so beautiful. Your honesty is being requested, and Mercury in Capricorn can help you choose clear and connected words to express yourself. Know that your loved ones have your best interest in mind then and are willing to hear you out. I understand that this can be scary, but this energy is supporting you 100%.

If you have a hard time formulating what to say and how to say it, then comb through the details. Practice in the mirror and prepare for the different possibilities/outcomes. This might seem like overkill, but if you struggle with honest expression, then this is how you start to develop the new skill.

Spirituality & Philosophy

Capricorn is often perceived as a sign of materialism, and sure, Capricorn rules all things in the material world. However, Capricorn is also deeply spiritual. We must not forget that Capricorn is half goat and half fish. This means that she is willing to pay her dues to climb to the top of the mountain and find solace. Once she arrives at the top, she connects fully with Source.

Something that really gets my goat (pun intended) is when people suggest that being spiritual is inherently disconnected from the material plane. This is lacking. If we’re spiritual beings living a human existence, shouldn’t we learn how to master this dimension? If Earth is ‘The School of Life,’ then isn’t it important to be a humble and grateful student?

Develop an appreciation for this material plane. Love your body, experience the Earth, and enjoy your life in such an abundant world.

Intellect & Communications

As you may or may not have guessed, Mercury rules all things intellectual. This planet is associated with Gemini and Virgo, which are the quick-witted and talkative signs of the Zodiac. But, unlike its natural placement, Mercury isn’t necessarily home in Capricorn.

However, through Capricorn, Mercury learns important lessons in methodical ways. These lessons include, but are not limited to, thinking before speaking, finding solutions to problems, and creating a stable thought process.

To develop these skills, it’s important to reflect upon the times that you’ve been inconsistent with your word, rushed decisions, or become lost in the disarray of problems. How would you like your life to improve? How can you be more thoughtful about your own internal dialogue? Practice mindfully communicating both your internal and external thoughts. Stop, think and then speak!

Fun & Relaxation

I understand why people think that Capricorn is a dull sign. I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately. As a Capricorn, I often wonder why I don’t have the desire to be more social. Why don’t I want to let loose like other people?

I’ve concluded that I genuinely enjoy working on my career. My career can give me the freedom I am looking for in life, so why wouldn’t I have fun putting all of my energy into it? I will live and die for my passions. Period.

That being said, I’m learning the importance of turning my brain off and breaking away from tasks. If you’re like me, then this will be an important time to learn what I’m learning — the art of relaxation. How can you put your energy towards important tasks and still allow yourself to relax? Take a few hours to go on a walk, take a bath, or, here’s a thought, do nothing!

If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy working towards your goals, then use this period to reflect on why that is. Are there old beliefs that correlate work to stress? If so, how can you release those? On the other hand, life will become less frustrating if you begin to enjoy your time on this planet!

Remember, balance is key in astrology and in life. The goal is to strive to live in a place of neutrality and peace.



Carmen Sandiego, PhD
Carmen Sandiego, PhD

Written by Carmen Sandiego, PhD

Exploring intersections of feminism, mental health and personal identity.

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